Friday, 27 November 2015

5 travel experiences every Nigerian should have before turning 30

unnamedIt is nice to believe that age is nothing but number, but when you hit 30; there is no denying that you are starting to get old. Your body goes through a dramatic change, depriving you of the bursting energy and gusto you previously had. Your interests start to change and you realize your stamina starts to wane.

The world is gigantic and a large number of people existing on the planet will never get the chance to explore a quarter of it all, but that does not stop you from trying. That being said, it is certainly best to squeeze as much travel adventures as you can into your 20s! With a little savings, a spontaneous approach, and of course, lots of young-blood-energy, you are well-positioned to take advantage of the excitement you are set to experience during these years.

Jovago has put together 5 travel experiences any person with a bit of wanderlust should strive to experience before they turn 30. Adventure calls!


1. Escape to a remote village and live like a local

You do not have to wait for NYSC to post you to a remote village or some task to take you there. Your village does not count either.  Nigeria has so many villages thanks to its diverse ethnicity and tribes.

Find a map and randomly select a village, pack your bag and get moving. Spend about a week or two at least in the place –long enough to pick up something concrete from the locality. If you are from Abia state, you could visit a village in Nassarawa or Osun state.

Also, you could select a village in any other part of the world including Saudi Arabia, India or Ethiopia. Simply sitting still for a few days and really living like a local is an extremely rewarding experience.

See more travel experiences in next pages

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